settlement visa check list

Sr. #Requirement of Documentation
01Valid Passport (+ photocopy of Bio-Data Page) *
02Previous Passports  *
03Complete Visa Application Form  *
04One recent passport-size photograph  *
05Copy of National Identity Card  *
06Correct Fee  *
07A Valid TB Health Screening Certificate (for age 11 upward/application 6m+visa) *
08Evidence of Meeting Sponsor
09Marriage Certificate
10Full Copy of Sponsors Passport
11Employment Letter
12Evidence of Study
13Evidence of Pay
14Tax Documentation
15Bank Statement –  Personal
16Bank Statement – Business 
17Other Evidence of Finances / Accounts
18Evidence of Property Ownership
19Accommodation Report
20Utility Bill (Gas / Electricity / Water / Council Tax )
21Evidence of Mortgage / Rental Payment
22Full Tendency or Mortgage Agreement
23Evidence of Contact Between Applicant / Sponsor
24Evidence of Third Party Support
 Personal Circumstances
25Evidence of Divorce (If Applicable)
26Medical / Doctors Correspondence
27Form B (Certificate of Children under 18 years)
28Photo Copy of Parents Passport / Visa (If Child Application)
29Other Evidence : Please Specify

Those fields are marked with the sign of  * are quite compulsory.